Video marketing flip camera phone

How to Make Your Own YouTube Videos with the Flip Video Camera

Video marketing flip camera phoneThe Flip camera is one of the most useful tools for anyone who wants to make YouTube videos quickly and easily, which is why they have gained in popularity in recent years.

To start recording a video, turn on the device and point it to what you want to record. Hit the red “record” button on the back of the device and begin recording. Watch the LCD screen on the camera to ensure that you are recording properly. When you are finished recording, hit the red button again to stop the recording.

Instead of dealing with wires and cables, the Flip video camera has a small USB plug that flips out of the camera and plugs into the USB port on your computer. When plugged in, the Flip camera’s software opens up and you are able to download the videos from the camera to your computer. If you would like to upload the videos to YouTube right away, the software will let you do so.

Make sure you have a free YouTube account first, then select which videos you wish to upload. The Flip camera video software will automatically upload them to your YouTube account.

Photo credit: whiteafrican / / CC BY

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