Twitter and PR
Twitter has become a strong player in the news world and is only getting stronger. Twitter updates have been a vehicle for stories in such places as Iran, when no other outlets were allowing stories through.
- Tweet your story several times and vary the headline. Don’t overdo it, but do it more than once.
- Categorize it by adding a #hashtag that journalists and bloggers may be following.
- Acknowledge retweets with a “thank you.”
Build a Twitter influencer list. Search Twitter using a hashtag like #marketing or #restaurants, whatever is relevant to you. The reporters in that space are likely using those hashtags, making them easier to find.
Some cool Twitter tools are (helps journalists connect with each other but you can find them with this tool), Muck Rack (journalists listed by publication/topic), and Twitter Grader (listed by how influential they are).
Use Localtweeps to find reporters in your area.
How do you leverage Twitter?
photo credit: action datsun via photopin cc
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