Do You Really Need an SEO Content Manager?
To put it short, yes, you need an SEO content manager if you’re distributing a lot of content. It’s becoming such a necessity that 9% of companies now have either a full-time SEO expert or blog manager on staff to make sure the content being published will generate traffic, and then hopefully leads (source).
What exactly is an SEO content manager?
Hiring a content manager can help eliminate what most businesses are doing, and it’s what I call blogging for show. What I mean by that is your business has blog posts being published and they could possibly do well socially when shared, but as far as any research goes, you’re just shooting in the dark. The SEO content manager is going to make sure all the content being written is also attractive to search engines (not just social media) so you can get more for your dollar and drive more sales at the same time.
What an SEO content manager can offer your business
If you’re doing what I referred to as blogging for show above, then I’m going to bet that you’re receiving almost no organic search traffic from the posts. The SEO content manager would be able to (possibly) save those old posts and optimize them for keywords that are relatively easy to rank for, and then they would be able to get keywords for the new posts being published to stop your business from publishing non-researched articles again.
Areas upon which they will most likely focus
A lot of the SEO content manager’s job will be overlapping with your social media marketing team, and that’s to be expected. Social media and SEO now go hand-in-hand for most business areas, so it will be their job to also make sure these posts do well socially as well as attract organic search traffic. Some of their duties and areas of focus will be:
- Resolving any current issues on the blog that could affect how the blog posts rank (like poor site structure).
- Researching longtail keywords that are relative to your business (when they’re ranked for the desired keyword, they will drive sales).
- Making sure the meta descriptions and title tags are attracting clicks, and if possible optimized for their desired keywords.
- Making sure the media in the blog posts are optimized and shareable.
Check out our SEO content managing services.
Photo credit: amanky / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND
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