Twitter tools automation

Cool Software for Twitter

Twitter tools automation

The Twitter toolbox

Twitter without a doubt is one of the more lenient social media websites in terms of how open they keep their API. Since it’s so easy to automate tasks they made the smart of establishing their program of Twitter Certified Tools to help curve the spam.

7 Twitter Tools to Try

Here are 7 tools that you can try on Twitter to increase your brands exposure:


A great URL shortener that makes it possible to put long URLs into tweets. A free account will give you access to a dashboard where you can shorten and share links to multiple Twitter accounts. You can also see the stats for any links you share through your dashboard. You can also use it as a custom URL shortener like we do for McDougall Interactive with the domain

2) Hashdictionary

Keep track of conversations that include hashtags on Twitter.

3) HootSuite

A well-respected tool for Twitter management that also integrates with HubSpot.

4) Tweet Adder

Find and engage with like-minded Twitter followers, carefully automate followers/following and posts.

5) Tweetbeep

Keep track of your brand reputation by getting alerts through email when your brand is mentioned on Twitter.

6) Twellow

The Twitter Yellow Pages.

7) Twitter Grader

A site that ranks your influence in the Twitter world based on an algorithm. You can also see where you stand in your town, city, state, or country.

Your success on Twitter is based on two things: the quality of the content in your tweets (or what you link to) and who you follow that follows you back. That means you will not be able to automate all your tasks on Twitter because you still have to use it to connect with your customers and or clients.

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