Adding a Second Blog on an Additional Domain Name
I write for McDougall Interactive and The Lead Review, which is my website just for lawyers.
If you are aware that your website’s SEO will be greatly helped by your blog but still want to create your blog or a second blog on a different domain name, here are a few tips.
A second blog on a new URL is a lot of extra work and will require all the same effort on SEO, link building, PR, and social media, but it can brand you as an expert in one niche area. For example, if I start a blog apart from the main McDougall Interactive website that’s just about marketing for lawyers and give it a domain name like, I can make it really focused. By having my face on the blog and writing only about that topic, I can brand myself (as an expert on Internet marketing for attorneys) in a very focused way. This can work, but you must choose this option knowing what it means to your main site. It is ideal to do this in addition to your main site’s blog, if SEO is important to your main site. My actual domain name for my attorney marketing blog is This allows me to rank well for very specific law marketing topics that might confuse the theme of and are examples of “small” but popular blogs that get traffic for terms realtors would love. They are not typical real estate blogs, but have content people love that relates to homes and decorating. Owning a blog like this separate from your corporate site can be a great asset to your main site by driving additional traffic to itself. By linking to your main site, it helps you capture traffic that might not have been as interested in your corporate blog. But again, this is a huge amount of effort and often best done in addition to your main site’s blog. If you can give your corporate blog an interesting spin, it will be much easier to get started and will immediately impact your site’s SEO and social media strategies.
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